Conceptual Wearable Functional Educational Sustainable Woven Art
for inspired homes
and contemplative collectors

About the artist
While working in a publishing house, and after some serious soul-searching, I decided to become an artist. My undergrad degree was in Languages and Literature (Bard College) and the only art I had taken was art history. I knew how to look at a painting, I did not know how to make one. I was living in Brooklyn and the city was teeming with freshly minted MFAs from great programs and they were all teaching continuing ed classes while they waited for either gallery representation or a better gig. I convinced my boss to fire me from my day job and hire me to work for her at night as a freelancer. Continuing Ed classes were cheap and plentiful and I took advantage of them.
That began my life in the arts.
Where to find my weavings
Work with me
Although I am always excited to talk about projects, I am currently not taking commissions.
I am working on a series of wall pieces and can discuss those, if you are interested.
Turnaround times are generally 1 – 3 months.